Decision Making Quiz

To Help You Make the Right Life-Changing Decision

Quiz by The Decision Coach gives life, relationship, and career advice

You’re at a crossroads and you’re trying to figure out how to make a hard decision.

You're trying to choose between job offers, or cities, or apartments.

You’re wondering if you should get married, or break up, or have a baby.

You’re thinking about going freelance, or starting your own business.

Whatever it is, if you're asking yourself "Am I making the right decision?" then you need help. This decision making quiz will guide you to the right choice.

First, identify the two options you're deciding between

Maybe that's:

  • going to grad school vs. getting a job?

  • breaking up vs. staying together?

  • taking a new job offer vs. staying at your current company?

  • moving to a new city vs. staying where you are?

  • getting a dog vs. not getting a dog?

Call one choice "number 1" and the other "number 2".


Now, for each question, just circle the choice that answers it best.

1) Which choice is more aligned with your values?

Choice #1 Choice #2

2) When you think about the future you want, which choice will make it easier to get there?

Choice #1 Choice #2

3) Which decision, if you make it, will finally get rid of the nagging feeling that’s been bothering you?

Choice #1 Choice #2

4) Which decision feels like it has the potential to open up and enhance your life?

Choice #1 Choice #2

5) Which choice feels like the biggest “reach”? The one with the most potential to really improve your life in a big way?

Choice #1 Choice #2

6) You have reasons for making each of these choices. Which choice has the reasons you like the most?

Choice #1 Choice #2

7) Fear of other people’s negative opinions can hold us back from making the decisions we want to make. Which of these decisions would you make if you knew everyone around you would approve?

Choice #1 Choice #2

8) Sometimes we make a choice as a form of procrastination, which means that you’ll have to make the same decision later on. Which option means you’ll make a change in your life now, rather than kicking the can down the road?

Choice #1 Choice #2

9) Don’t think about this question; just go with your gut: which path do you WANT to take?

Choice #1 Choice #2



Now, add up your score for each choice.

  • Total for Choice 1:

  • Total for Choice 2: 

Which choice has the higher score?

That’s the decision you should make.

If you’ve taken the "How to Make a Hard Decision Quiz" and you still want some expert help in making the right choice, you can book a one-and-done session with me right here.

We’ll get to the heart of the issue and get your decision made in a single session so you can move on with your life and feel good about it!

Pauline Wiles

After writing and publishing 6 of my own books, I became a full-time website designer for other authors. I create modern, professional websites to help you grow your audience and make more impact with your work. British born, I’m now happily settled in California.


Ask a Decision Coach


Should I Go to Grad School?